Fitness Instructor
Vanessa B

QUALIFICATIONS: Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness Group Exercise + Personal Training, Special Populations, Prenatal & Postnatal, Pilates Equipment & Matwork Pilates Association Accredited, Qualified Journalist. (In progress- Menopause Exercise Specialist.)
SPECIALTY AREAS: Holistic Approach to Women's Health, Women's Fat Loss, Core & Pelvic Floor Rebuild, Burnout + Chronic Fatigue Recovery Exercise Specialist, Stress Management.
ABOUT ME: I am passionate about helping people achieve a more balanced lifestyle through the right types of exercise for their different life chapters. I love exercise, having fun, enjoying time with my kids and going on adventures in life.
FAVOURITE SONG TO TRAIN TO: Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard
TOP OF MY BUCKET LIST: Visit more of Europe
FAVOURITE SPORTS TEAM: Bulldogs (I used to work there!)